Monday, May 6, 2024


May has quickly arrived and so with it some of our summer warmth. Fortunately, there is almost always a breeze out on the lake (And if there is not, then the boat moving will create an artificial one)

Evening Sunset Cruises are a great way to see some of our lakes when the sun is less high in the sky. We cruise from our base at Lakeside Inn, past the lighthouse and Mount Dora boardwalk and through the small canal that leads to Lake Beauclair. Large houses and properties line the shoreline and often our wildlife sits in and around them, Bald Eagles, Great Blue Herons, Anhingas and Ospreys are all common sightings. Departing currently at 7:15pm and moving slightly later every week until mid June. 

May and June are also fantastic months to see everything the Dora Canal has to offer:

  • Baby/Juvenile Herons and Anhingas, starting to explore away from the nest.
  • Large and small Alligators soaking in the sunshine
  • Turtles lounging on the cypress knees
  • Plants along the canal in bloom (spider lily, purple pickerel weed, sleeping hibiscus and many others)
  • Snakes, mostly non venomous water snakes are spotted and shared by your Captain and Crew